Lip Make-up

Lipstick Classic
Lipstick with a long-proven formulation, including Vitamin E to stimulate the skin’s repair mechanism. Lipstick Classic produces a matt impression and is known for its good durability. This Lip Rouge is available in a wide range of more than 48 shades. 
Lipstick Fashion
Lipstick for professional beauty applications. The creamy consistency of Lipstick Fashion feels soft and velvety on the lips and leaves a pleasant-to-wear sensation. This Lip Rouge preparation features a care complex with a well-balanced formulation. Lip Rouge Fashion is available in an attractive range of more than 30 shades.
Lipstick Pearl
Iridescent color nuances for special optical effects. Contains Vitamin E for skin care, which stimulates the skin’s repair mechanism. Lip Rouge Pearl is available in a range of more than 32 shades.
مرطب الشفاه الذي يضمن ثبات أكيد وطويل على البشرة ويحتوي على فيتامين E لحماية خلايا البشرة ويعطي مظهر جذاب ومثير ولقد تميز بثباته لوقت طويل على الشفاه ومتوفر بثمانية وأربعين لونا ويأتي على شكل أنبوب معدني أنيق ويوجد منه

Art. 1201 Details 4 g In a functional plastic tube
Price other than the shipping costs
100 L.E

Lip Gloss can be the final touch for an eyecatching look. Lip Gloss is available in  transparent and in a wide range of exciting and attractive colors to emphasise an exceptional beauty make-up. Lip Gloss transparent provides a long-lasting, clear-gloss effect over any lip rouge. Lip Gloss Glitter creates magical sparkle effects. Lip Gloss in highly pigmented shades can be used to provide a shiny and colored lip make-up. 
Available as transparent and translucent versions, and in the colors shown.
Art. 5215 Details 5 ml Wand with sponge applicator
Price other than the shipping costs
95 L.E

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